Dibden Purlieu Gardening Association

We are a friendly society with a keen interest in gardening. We are affiliated to the RHS and  are a member of the Hampshire Federation of Horticultural Societies. Our meetings consist of a guest speaker who gives a talk and slide show, and we have a monthly raffle. We also have a couple of outings each year

Main Contact
Christine Bennett (Secretary)

Telephone Number
02380 842 006

Email Address


Area Covered
Dibden Purlieu and Hythe area

1st Thursday of the month.
Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start

Meetings Held At
The Coffee shop, St Andrew’s Centre, Beaulieu Rd ,
Dibden Purlieu, Southampton SO45 4PT

Membership Charges
£10 per annum. Non members £3 per visit

Number Of Members To Date